The Amazonian reality confronts us and challenges us to attend to its formative needs in an integral way in the field of higher education, through mechanisms, methodologies and contents that strengthen local organizational processes and those of the peoples and communities for the defense of their territories and their right to life (buen vivir).

The area of teaching-learning programs of PUAM designs academic processes, based on listening to the territory, with an integral vision of the rights of peoples and communities, with an approach from the Social Doctrine of the Church, from a local dynamic, to generate formative processes that put the person and their communities of reference at the center, the student, from their knowledge, context and needs.

PUAM seeks to generate a co-construction of contents together with the already existing experiences, the fruits and calls discerned in the Amazon Synod - together with the Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA) and the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), the - and from the ancestral knowledge, and from ancestral, inculturated and intercultural knowledge to weave with the priority subjects and to constitute territorial poles of higher education, expressed in the Community Learning Centers (CCA), which facilitate access to their programs in the different places of the Pan-Amazonian region.

To respond to the educational challenges, our design of academic programs contemplates models of mixed popular education, both virtual and face-to-face, and with the support of offline tools (for places without or with difficult access to internet) to facilitate collaborative learning with a multiplying and transformative approach, with a perspective of liberating and contextualized education in and from the margins.

Our work is supported by the experience and methodological platform of Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL). Support based on more than 10 years of experience in higher education for peripheral communities in the midst of challenging realities in different regions of the global south.

Our first technical career, “Gestión Integral del Territorio Amazónico”, is under development and is expected to be launched in 2026.

Your support can illuminate the future of the Amazon!

🌟 Join our campaign Together for the Amazon, Together for the Future, and contribute to open paths of knowledge and opportunities for the communities of the Amazon.